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  • Lane (Sunday, October 07 07 04:59 am EDT)

    FIrst One
    I'll be dipped! It Works!

  • fly (Sunday, October 07 07 08:14 pm EDT)

    no game camp
    I'll be there in a just a couple more camps...miss you all. But at least the critters are safe. there still milk on those lips????

  • CSC (Sunday, October 07 07 08:56 pm EDT)

    Men Can Cook
    Of course men can cook!! Women are only good for 2 things, one of them is dishes.

  • Doug (Sunday, October 07 07 10:07 pm EDT)

    Cool site!
    Nice work, Lane.

    No, really! Don't piss down my back!

  • dan (Sunday, October 07 07 10:27 pm EDT)

    you realize doug he is doing this on company time,maybe forward this to hoppy.....?

  • Lane (Sunday, October 07 07 10:30 pm EDT)

    Company Time
    He MADE me go to the football game Saturday--so they owe me a day.

  • CAC (Monday, October 08 07 05:07 am EDT)

    1st time
    Looks good RLane

  • Karie (Monday, October 08 07 06:03 am EDT)

    Can I come????
    Great Website!!!!! Men can cook??? LOL.

  • dan (Monday, October 08 07 06:55 am EDT)

    sorry no chichadees in camp.

  • Uncle Dan (Monday, October 08 07 10:19 pm EDT)

    good job lane
    Looked at this Sunday but messsage didn't enter. Great Job on this website.

  • Hoppy (Tuesday, October 09 07 04:49 am EDT)

    Techno geek
    Nicely done! Baked a%26%$

  • Troy (Tuesday, October 09 07 05:09 am EDT)

    drinkin, and oh yeah hunting
    I am sorry to say I am not going to be there this year, but it will never happen again!!!
    Lane Kick ass job on the web site!
    Party on Gentleman, I use that term losely!

  • Kimmy (Tuesday, October 09 07 08:15 pm EDT)

    Who's bringing the coffee?
    Love you guys! looks great can't wait for another round of stories, and to hear who gets one first!

  • Bob Kruse (Tuesday, October 09 07 09:25 pm EDT)

    Sign In
    I'm all in. in the dark so shut up and deal.

  • Eric (Tuesday, October 09 07 11:40 pm EDT)

    Chicks at Camp
    Suzy, if chicks were allowed at Camp you would be one of the first invited. Good to hear from you.

  • Susie (Wednesday, October 10 07 06:14 am EDT)

    Looks good guys, I got lots of laughs. I hope you all have a safe and fun camp this year. Take lots of pictures, you need more on this site!

    Take care, Love ya


  • Susie (Wednesday, October 10 07 09:23 pm EDT)

    New Pic's
    Glad to see all the new pic's on the site! Maybe I can wear a costume and infiltrate the camp ;-)

  • conor (Thursday, October 11 07 04:17 am EDT)

    wheres me?
    heh dudes where are the pics of littleman?

  • Big Ray (Friday, October 12 07 07:06 pm EDT)

    Bomber driver's rule
    Hey we will be there on friday!! Lane I wanna follow you up on Thurs. to park my camper. GOOD NEWS! MOM MADE LOOOOTS OF COOKIES!


  • Nicky (Sunday, October 14 07 05:19 am EDT)

    I just love this! I can go here everyday and see all of you. It makes me so homesick! I hope ya'll have a blast and keep up the tradition! I just love traditions. I will see all of you next year and
    I want to plan a LONGER weekend!

  • Terry (Friday, November 30 07 06:12 am EST)

    Great to see you all !!!!!!!!
    Great to see you all!!! Lane great job on the web site !!!!! One of these years I will make the Smith's Hunting Camp Party, not to eat but to show Eric how to hunt!!!!!!

  • DAN (Tuesday, October 14 08 04:28 am EDT)

    wheres the love?
    heh I think there a few of dads relatives that live out of state, dad is gone but long from forgotten. Give us a shout on something that sticks out in your mind about POPS we would love to hear

  • Susie (Wednesday, October 22 08 10:48 pm EDT)

    Well Hell another year gone by and still no Penis! Oh well I guess I fit right in with all the other Smith "Boys"! JK, Love and miss everyone! Have a safe hunt! And I hope you get more then on animal
    and a car this year!!! Muah!

    Cousin Susie

  • mark hickman (Tuesday, August 03 10 06:02 am EDT)

    hunting camp 2010
    Can't wait to see ya'll this year. Mark

  • Christie "Shortcake" Thurnau) Brooks (Monday, November 01 10 03:51 am EDT)

    Sending our Love!!!!!!!!
    Wish Dad and I could be there to join in all the fun!!!!! Maybe soon we can make it!!! Sooooo glad to see everyone is doing so well!!!! HAPPY HUNTING BOYS!!!

  • Chadboskie (Tuesday, December 14 10 02:36 am EST)

    Just stumbling by
    Just surfing the web and found your camp. Looks like a nice place to be. Hope you had some good luck this season.

    Chad from Pennsylvania

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This website is dedicated to Pops. He started it, so it's his fault.